The team
Commit is an event managed by a team of women, men, parents, Canarians, Italians, Galicians, Germans, Nerds, Excel Wizards, Android and iPhone fans... That's a total of five people.

Laura Vignali @laura_vignali
Fights with spreadsheets to make this happen. She loves it when a plan comes together.

Abraham Otero
He rowed a boat once, alone, surrounded by crocodiles. He codes in Java for the same reasons.

Nacho Coloma @nachocoloma
He knows how to break things with computers. His children know how to break things without computers.

Carlos Coloma @ccescribano
Otaku, addicted to sports, rookie dad. When he is not doing these things, he codes.

Janine Lee
She speaks four languages, manages three kids. She gets shit done.
Tech communities
This event is only possible because of the amazing content contributed by the following tech communities.